The Anatomy of a Calling Book Trailer


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Fulfill Your Calling

Are You Ready to Fulfill Your Calling?

Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 1.09.11 PMSign up to receive your free Fulfill Your Calling Kit. This kit is meant to facilitate your hero’s journey, and offers wisdom and inspiration along the way.

 This package includes:

  • Surrender to Your Calling: A Digital Download MP3 Double Meditation CD featuring Lissa & musician Karen Drucker. Lissa’s guided meditation CD addresses many of the blocks that interfere with your ability to find and fulfill your calling and comforts you through the challenging parts of any hero’s journey.
  • How to Uplift the World: A Guide for Inspired Visionaries to Claim their Purpose and Heal the World. Once you know what sacred purpose is calling you, you’re likely to be called into inspired action. But how can you tell if these actions stem from your ego or your soul? This book will help you discern the difference so you can step up and accept your mission with grace, ease, grit, passion, and nonattachment.
  • The Anatomy of a Calling Book Club Guide: The Anatomy of a Calling makes an ideal book club selection, and this book club guide will help you and your peers dive deeper into what it means to find and fulfill your life purpose as a path of awakening to your true nature and your deepest fulfillment.

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The Anatomy of a calling

    Lissa RankinIn The Anatomy of a Calling, which has been described as a genre-busting “spiritual self-help book dressed up as a memoir,” Lissa Rankin, MD makes a simple yet revolutionary claim: We are all, every single one of us, heroes. We are all on what Joseph Campbell calls “a Hero’s Journey;” we are all on a mission to step into our true nature and fulfill the assignment our souls were sent to Earth to fulfill. Navigating the hero’s journey, Lissa argues, is one of the cornerstones of living a meaningful, authentic, healthy life. In clear, engaging prose, Lissa describes her entire spiritual journey for the first time—beginning with what she calls her “Perfect Storm” of events—and recounts the many transformative experiences that led to a profound awakening of her soul. Through her father’s death, her daughter’s birth, career victories and failures, and an ongoing struggle to identify as both a doctor and a healer, Lissa discovers a powerful self-awareness. As she shares her story, she encourages you to find out where you are on your own journey and offers wisdom and inspiration in the form of “Hero’s Guideposts” along the way. Lissa weaves in lessons on trusting intuition, surrendering to love, and learning to see adversity as an opportunity for soul growth. The Anatomy of a Calling guides you to make a powerful shift in consciousness and reach your highest destiny. As New York Times bestselling author Marci Shimoff wrote, “If you combined Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love, Cheryl Strayed’s Wild, and James Redfield’s The Celestine Prophecy, you’d get Lissa Rankin’s The Anatomy of a Calling. Although this book is about Lissa and her story, you won’t doubt for one minute that it’s really about you and your story. Much more than a memoir, this is a road map for those on the spiritual path who sense that they’re being called to fulfill a sacred mission. Loaded with nurturing comfort along with practical tools for navigating your hero’s journey, this book will help you become a miracle worker at a time when we need miracles!”

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A note from the author

Although The Anatomy of a Calling is my fifth book, it’s the book my soul has always yearned to write. Especially now, more and more people are feeling the call to something more. We know we are living on a planet in crisis, and we will only survive this evolutionary transition if every one of us says YES when the call to sacred service arises. Whether we’re called to participate in this global revolution of love in grand or humble ways, it’s not easy to navigate the journey to one’s calling without a map, some guidance, a hand to hold, and a community of fellow travelers who can cheer you on through the inevitable triumphs and challenges. This book is meant to be your guidebook as you traverse the uncertain territory between the call to adventure and the Holy Grail of wisdom, redemption and sacred service. No matter where you are on your journey to finding and fulfilling your calling, this book is meant to meet you right where you are. Maybe you’ve heard the call to something more, yet you’ve felt frightened to act on what you feel called to do. Maybe you got lucky and the pathway to your calling has been smooth and direct. Or maybe you bravely picked up the phone when the call came in, only to discover that the journey to your calling can be hard, scary, and filled with potholes of self-doubt, disappointment, failure, broken relationships, shattered dreams, and unmet expectations. Maybe you found what you considered the Holy Grail, only to discover that you’re ahead of your time and those who could most benefit from what you have to offer aren’t yet ready to receive it. Or maybe you’re celebrating the triumph of finally finding the tribe of people who have been waiting for exactly the Holy Grail you have to offer a hurting world.

The Anatomy of a Calling is the book I desperately wish I’d been able to read back when I first quit my job as a doctor in 2007 and felt so lost and confused, once I realized that you can quit your job, but you can’t quit your calling. At the time, I felt a deep pain around knowing that my service was needed, but I didn’t know how to offer the world my gifts without depleting myself and making myself sick and miserable. I sensed that there was something calling to me . . . but I had no idea what it was. I was at the very first stage of what Joseph Campbell calls the “Hero’s Journey,” only I didn’t feel very heroic back then.

An Instruction Manual for Revolutionaries of Love

Lissa RankinThe Anatomy of a Calling is an instruction manual for those of us who are committed to finding and fulfilling their spiritual mission, as healers of the earth, as uplifters of human consciousness, as vessels of sacred activism, in service to the revolution of love that is swiftly underway. This book, which uses Campbell’s Hero’s Journey as a framework, is a road map for those who are willing to muster up the moxie to say “Yes” to the calling that beckons from deep within your heart. It’s a memoir, but it’s not your typical memoir. As my literary agent said when she read it, “Lissa, I know this is about you and your story, but I didn’t think for a second that it wasn’t about me and my story.” My heart leapt when she said that. That was my intention, to use my own personal story of how I found and am fulfilling my calling as a guide for how you can find and fulfill yours.

A Call to Action

This book is a call to action, a fire to alight under us all, so that we find the courage to make the longest journey you’ll ever make—the journey from the head to the heart. When you make this journey, the mind quiets and the heart begins leading the way, giving you instructions for this poorly-understood mission you are here to fulfill as your gift back to Life Itself. It’s your raison d’être, your reason for being, and we all need you to step into it in the perfect Divine timing. It takes a village to activate this revolution of love that will uplift us all, and my intention is that this book will help us find and activate one another.



<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“Lissa Rankin is the real deal. The Anatomy of a Calling made me cry and laugh…it is so honest and brave. More than a memoir, this beautifully crafted book is a fearless guide to the Great Unknown. The simple practices that Lissa suggests at the end of each chapter are portals to your own inner guidance. Gentle, hopeful, and clear…this book is destined to become a classic.”

Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“I made the mistake of starting The Anatomy of a Calling near bedtime. Don’t do this unless you are willing to lose a lot of sleep! Lissa’s story is absolutely riveting, moving and so wise. Read this book and be awakened to all that life wants for you.”

Jennifer Louden, author of The Woman’s Comfort Book and A Year of Daily Joy
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“Lissa Rankin has the courage to confront the difficulties of life and the inadequacies of our medical training. I know that as a doctor receiving information but not a full healer’s education leads you to treat the result and not the cause. We do not learn to know ourselves or why we became doctors and chose a specific specialty. So we struggle to understand and know ourselves amidst all the pain and suffering we are exposed to. Lissa’s words offer us all a guidebook on how to choose the healing paths when life presents us with its various roadblocks.”

Bernie Siegel, MD, author of The Art of Healing and A Book of Miracles
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“This book will forever change the way you perceive your own physician and our current healthcare system. Lissa’s writing is so intimate and confessional, you feel as if you’re walking alongside her in Big Sur as she regales you with her miraculous tale. Best of all- it will show you how to heed your own calling- no matter what it is.”

Sarah Bamford Seidelmann M.D., author of Born to FREAK and What the Walrus Knows
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“Callings do not go away no matter how long it takes, how scared you feel or how much you try to resist. Lissa’s brilliant and very wise book is a vulnerably powerful support and catalyst for you discovering your calling, and living and being your calling.”

SARK artist & author Succulent Wild LOVE
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“Poignant and powerful, this book works equally as a memoir and a self-help guide. Yet there is also an undefinable third thing within its covers. It isn’t only a guide to the transition into one’s calling. Potentially it is itself part of that transition, shifting reality for those who read it.”

Charles Eisenstein, author of The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“If you combined Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love, Cheryl Strayed’s Wild, and James Redfield’s The Celestine Prophecy, you’d get Lissa Rankin’s The Anatomy of a Calling. Although this book is about Lissa and her story, you won’t doubt for one minute that it’s really about you and your story. Much more than a memoir, this is a road map for those on the spiritual path who sense that they’re being called to fulfill a sacred mission. Loaded with nurturing comfort along with practical tools for navigating your hero’s journey, this book will help you become a miracle worker at a time when we need miracles!”

Marci Shimoff, New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“In this memoir Lissa Rankin, MD offers us a deeply honest and personal account of The Hero’s Journey, the universal path each of us travels towards an authentic life. At critical steps of the way she shares Guideposts and Practices to help us each travel our own  Hero’s Journey to our own unique destination. Anatomy of a calling is a gift, a companion for the road for anyone who feels they are traveling uncharted territory alone.”

Rachel Naomi Remen M.D., author of Kitchen Table Wisdom
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“Every once in awhile a book comes along that feels like that companion you’ve been longing for to hold your hand on the incredible journey of life. Lissa Rankin has beautifully written The Anatomy of a Calling for you to transform your desire to do and be more into knowing, once and for all, your sacred purpose for being here. Enjoy this heartfelt journey as you realize that you are the hero in the story she shares.”

Kristine Carlson, co-author to the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff books
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“The Anatomy of a Calling is not only a poignant and inspiring hero’s journey of a doctor who lost and later rediscovered her calling to heal, but also a fascinating roadmap for anyone who is feeling broken or dissatisfied with life and is ready to go on their own hero’s journey to find (or rediscover) their true purpose. Lissa’s raw honesty and vulnerability will blow you away as she reflects on her winding path toward fulfillment.”

Kelly Turner, PhD, NY Times Bestselling Author of Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“Our healers group received The Anatomy of a Calling, and we’re passing it around. It’s on the third read currently. I gotta tell you—it changed my life! Lissa summarized my journey to a tee. I feel validated, refreshed and energized. My husband picked the book up off the side table on a Monday evening, and I found him sprawled in the couch Tuesday morning still reading. He read the entire book in one sitting and was revolutionized. My personal thank you to Lissa for that. It is a gift. Lissa’s writing style is as engaging as talking with by best friend over coffee, her wisdom like that of Grandma Betty, and commitment like that of my obstinate toddler. What a fabulous combination of talents to express the calling she has been given! Her book has blessed our lives. I look forward to watching my little healers group catch the vision of who they are to become and rise up and never be the same again.”

Beth Brooks
<span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>

“I’ve been working on bathing my nervous system with the energies of “it is safe to keep growing” and was drawn to your book, The Anatomy of a Calling. I’m halfway through and loving it!!!! I soooo relate to so much in this and especially having a calling from a feminine vibration and the journey of doing healing outside the box of the medical model. I’m drinking it up!!! I want to give this book to all of my healer clients!  And it has inspired me to look back through my journals and appreciate my journey these past 5 years. I am soaking in the beautiful vibration of your writing and letting it inspire deeper integration in me for my next steps.”

Ania Ananda Wood, MA, transformational life and love coach (formerly a therapist)


The Anatomy of a Calling: A Doctor’s Journey from the Head to the Heart and a Prescription for Finding Your Life’s Purpose

PublishersWeekly1Rankin (Mind over Medicine), founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, shares her colorful and emotional journey of fighting the pressure to suppress feelings of grief, remorse, and sadness when dealing with her patients. Unsatisfied with the emotional distance required in her job, Rankin leaves traditional medicine and starts down a variety of healing paths (for herself and in the service of others), precipitated by the death of her father, the birth of her daughter, and a health emergency involving her brother. Rankin shares specific methods for learning to home in on one’s inner hero through mediation and introspective thinking. Readers who seek more information and methodology regarding mind/body healing and health through diverse spiritual practices will find Rankin’s story fascinating. Rankin speaks from her heart throughout this telling memoir of spiritual discovery and deliberate step-by-step decisions.(Dec.)

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